In the digital age, cold calling may seem like an outdated method of outreach, but it remains a potent tool in the arsenal of sales strategies. With the right approach, cold calling can open doors to new opportunities, helping businesses expand their clientele and boost sales figures.
In today’s highly competitive market, the success of your sales strategy hinges on your ability to measure and understand key metrics. Return on Investment (ROI) isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a critical marker of your strategy’s effectiveness, offering clear insights into what’s working and what’s not.
In the competitive world of sales, closing a deal is the pinnacle of success. It’s the moment when all the hard work, the meetings, the calls, and the presentations finally pay off. However, getting to that moment can be a challenging journey filled with obstacles and setbacks.
As a CEO or company founder, it can be very arduous to consistently have to wear ‘’multiple hats’’ within your organisation, and most of your time can be spent firefighting as opposed to strategic growth and operational planning.
Sales are the lifeblood of any company, and it is salient to ensure your business development team is perpetually generating a robust and realistic pipeline. Whether you utilise an internal or external BD team, it is crucial that you hold each team member accountable.